The fifth season in Iowa is construction, and the same is true in Waukee. Sugar Creek Elementary, the district’s tenth elementary school, held its groundbreaking event on May 21. The new school is located in the southwest area of the district, north of Ashworth Road and southwest of the Sugar Creek Golf Course. Construction has begun, and the building is scheduled to open in the fall of 2022.
The district is working on several improvement projects over the summer. We are looking forward to further enhancing our facilities and learning environments for
staff, students and families. We were able to start some of these projects early due to the school year ending early this year.
Vince Meyer Learning Center Preschool and Office Addition
This project will add 20 preschool classrooms and administrative areas to the east side of the existing Vince Meyer Learning Center building in order to consolidate the district’s preschool programs into one location.
- The project also includes a smaller office addition to the west side of the building for the technology and community education departments.
- The existing “ranch” or “bus barn” building will be demolished over the summer of 2021.
- Construction activities will significantly impact the use and occupancy of the VMLC building for a good portion of the construction timeframe.
Waukee High School and Prairieview Parking Lot Improvements
This project entails removing and replacing the asphalt and concrete in both south parking lots, selected driveways and the WHS north loading dock areas. This project is a continuation of the paving improvements that began last summer.
- Parking and access to Prairieview will be impacted the most by Phase 3 and 4 of the project. During this time, primary parking will be provided in the WHS east parking lot with access to the building through the Theater Arts Center. Both street entrances from University will be closed during this time, as well.
- WHS’ north driveway and loading dock will be closed during Phase 5 of the project.
- Barricades and signage will be provided to assist motorists and visitors. Please do not drive around the barriers.
- The project schedule may change depending on the weather.
Timberline Stadium Improvements
Phase 1 of this project includes improvements to the existing stadium to prepare it for competition use. This will include lights, fencing, an entrance area for spectators, bleachers, a press box and a scoreboard.
- Phase 2, scheduled for the summer of 2021, will include field turf, a concessions area and restroom facilities.
- Phase 1 work will mainly affect the track and field areas, which will be unavailable for use during the project timeframe.
- If all goes according to plan, Waukee Community School District will hold competitive athletic events at Timberline Stadium beginning in the fall of 2020.
Prairieview Fitness Center Addition
This project allows for a dedicated fitness center for students in grades 8-9 that are in the Northwest High School feeder. This fitness center will be used for curricular physical education at Prairieview, along with before- and after-school and summer strength and conditioning.
- This project mainly affects the north and west areas adjacent to the existing gym and locker rooms.
- The school’s north entrance/exit doors will remain largely available for use.
- Parking in the northernmost lots may be temporarily adjusted to accommodate construction traffic.
Brookview Elementary Classroom Addition
This project will add three new classrooms, a band room and two small group rooms for personalized instruction.
- This project mainly affects the northernmost ends of the kindergarten and first-grade wings of the existing building.
Eason Elementary Classroom Addition and Parking Lot Improvements
This project will add five new classrooms, a band room, a small group room for personalized instruction and other support spaces.
- Part of the project will include the complete reworking of the south parking lot and driveway to improve the safety and efficiency of student drop-off and pick-up. It will significantly increase the amount of driveway length available for vehicle stacking, and should help prevent vehicles from backing up onto SE Boone Drive.
- The addition portion of this project mainly affects the northernmost end of the second-grade wing of the existing building.
- The parking lot improvements are expected to take place over the summer of 2021.