Which organ in my body is the most important?
Everything is in your body for a reason—even your appendix. However, your most vital organ is your brain. Why? You only get one! You can replace or live without any other organ, but you only get one brain.
Your brain is an amazing organ. It controls everything in your body. Your brain controls your heart rate, balance, coordination, what you see, and much more. Your brain uses nerves to send and receive information to every muscle and organ in your body. This constant barrage of input is filtered so you are only aware of the information that is important at the time.
A common example of this is when you hit your thumb with a hammer (usually unintentionally). The first response is almost always to shake your hand or squeeze your thumb. Any verbal reactions are unrelated to this example. By shaking or squeezing your thumb, you are activating pathways to the brain. The brain then shifts your focus and the pain feels less intense. Of course, this does not always work. But it often provides you the opportunity to continue with your day and to focus on something other than the pain.
Take care of your brain. Eat brainhealthy foods, such as spinach, blueberries, and fish (which have omega3 fatty acids). Avoid unhealthy additives, such as artificial sweeteners. Run or walk for 1030 minutes a day, and sleep at least seven and a half hours a night. A healthy brain leads to a healthy body!