Waukee Chamber 2021 Annual Meeting & Silent Auction
The Waukee Chamber Annual Meeting & Silent Auction will be held Thursday, Feb. 18 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in a virtual setting. Join the Chamber for an evening to celebrate the Waukee business community!
The evening will begin with a ZOOM networking social, followed by a video program featuring the accomplishments of 2020, introduction of the 2021 Board of Directors, announcement of plans for 2021 and award recognition of the Member of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Citizen of the Year and outgoing Board leadership. The evening will conclude with keynote speakers Jacob Repp and Beth Shelton.

More information is available online at waukeechamber.com.
Please contact us with any questions at info@waukeechamber.com or by phone at 515-978-7115. We are excited to celebrate the Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce 2021 Annual Meeting & Silent Auction with you!

Good Morning Waukee
Thanks to the Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce members for joining Good Morning Waukee on Tuesday, Dec. 8. The event featured a Chamber update, guest introductions and a conversation with Todd McDonald, Board President of the Waukee Betterment Foundation, who presented on the Waukee EPIC Inclusive Playground, scheduled to open in 2022!
The Waukee Betterment Foundation has made great strides in bringing the all-inclusive park to life. The group is in need of $200,000 before February 2021 to qualify for major grants that become available next spring. If you would like to consider supporting this incredible project, please visit: http://waukeebetterment.org/give/donor-recognition/
The Good Morning Waukee video presentation is available on YouTube for anyone who missed it.
Waukee Hy-Vee Fast & Fresh Ribbon-Cutting
The Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce helped to welcome Hy-Vee Fast & Fresh to Waukee on Tuesday, Nov. 10 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony!
Waukee Hy-Vee Fast & Fresh offers mealtime entrees, nori sushi, fresh produce, and so much more!
Check out this business online at hy-vee.com.